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Cancer Cure is Available But Your Doctor Won't Tell You About It.

The cancer industry wants to prevent new treatments that actually work but are suppressed at every opportunity. Today, people who are diagnosed with cancer have no better survival rate than a person who avoids western medicine treatments. In fact, there are people who change their lifestyle, who graspattain about nutrition, take anti-cancer herbs. Alternative medicine and natural healing breast cancer approaches are inexpensive: they are safe to use, they are widely used throughout the world, and they've been proven safe through thousands of years of effective use by various populations of the world who know far more about medicine and healing than our so-called "high-tech" system of modern medicine.

Rife Machines heal cancer and they do it FAST. A lot of people use them and know about the technology, but don't go public in fear of being chastised.

The public is warned against getting information from the internet on curing cancer. New headlines blared that cancer sites posed a health risk. The real reason the media are attacking cancer websites is because the internet is the only place people can go to actually determine the truth about the cancer industry and cures for cancer that don't involve chemotherapy, surgeries, or other radical procedures offered by western medicine. Organized medicine is ing the hard way that people are educating themselves about cancer and about alternatives to treating this disease, and that scares the industry because it threatens profits.

Ideally what the industry wants is a form of censorship -- they want websites to be flagged to indicate which ones are "official" cancer websites. What's amazing about all this is the level of ignorance they show when they say there is no evidence that any complementary treatment will prevent cancer. In fact, there is a tremendous amount of evidence. And much of that evidence is published in traditional medical journals - so far there is compelling evidence showing nutritional approaches to both preventing and reversing cancer.

There are a great number of complementary treatments that are proven not only to be effective, though far more effective than anything that western medicine can offer. Survival rates for cancers treated by western medicine of patients undergoing chemotherapy are measured in months, not even years. In fact, chemotherapy is largely a fraud. There is no evidence that chemotherapy increases overall lifespan at all. Chemotherapy is only measured a success by the degree to which it shrinks tumors, and tumor shrinkage is not strongly correlated with enhanced life expectancy of the patient.

That's because cancer is not a local disease, it is a system disorder -- it is a failure of the patient's immune system and it is present throughout the body, not just in one place that will be surgically removed. Chemotherapy destroys a patient's immune system, and this is precisely the opposite of what needs to take place in order to prevent cancer. A patient's immune system needs to be boosted through mind-body medicine, nutritional therapies, physical exercise, herbal remedies, homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, and other forms of therapy.

It is time that you learned about the eliminate for cancer that is available to you today!!! Visit http://www.cancer-free-for-life.com to claim a FREE report on the 10 Ways to Cure Cancer and read the results of my 25 years of research in ways to cure cancer to promote spontaneous remission.

Dr Laurence Magne Publisher, Author Cancer Free For Life Email : lmagne@yahoo.com WordWebsite :

Using Rife Frequencies and Other Alternative Cancer Cures

It's really amazing how we are used by pharma companies and our own government for money. The FDA knows damn good and well that there are heal s for cancer, however they not only don't allow them - they throw health practitioners in jail for using them.

Why? Well it's all about money, much like everything else. Cancer is a multi billion dollar industry if there isn't a eliminate . The average cancer patient from the time of discovery of cancer to death is worth 1.8 million dollars to those who make money off of them. Flat out - chemotherapy and radiation are killers. Thats what you attain when you go with the status quo system.

Here are the facts :

1. Rife frequencies kill cancer. Dr. Royal Rife ran cancer killing frequencies on 30 terminal, stage 4 cancer patients. There was a 100% remedy success rate on all of them. Rife ran quite a few trials, although that was the latest, most predominant. That's why Rife Machines are not used and even illegal in a few countries.

2. Cancer cannot survive in a body that has a pH level above 7.2. You will raise your pH level by drinking pure lemon juice for an extended period of time - usually 14 days will do it.

3. Baking Soda kills cancerous tumors, though you have to go to Mexico or out of the USA to acquire the treatment. It costs around $500.

4. Tumeric can prevent cancer if it consumed on a regular basis

Cancer is a serious disease that will sometimes be remedy d within 14 to 25 days, if you find the right alternatives. If you or someone you know has cancer, I would highly recommend looking within as a large number of alternative heal s as possible.

Rife Technology in the Age of Modern Computers

Rife Technology is based on the foundation of physics and electronic resonance. Everything in the universe has its own resonant frequency based on its atomic content. Resonant frequency can be described as the frequency that causes an echo or resounding. Two examples are as follows.

1. An opera singer shatters a wine glass by singing the note that is the resonant frequency of the wine glass. The wine glass will echo or ring when that frequency is directed toward it.

2. A factory moved next to a chicken farm. Shortly after the factory began operation, the chickens on the farm died. It was determined through scientific research that the chickens died because the factory was emanating a frequency of 7 Hertz (Hertz is the measurement of frequency). Seven Hertz happened to be the resonant frequency of the brain cavity of the chickens.

Everything has a frequency. We see a "red" laser as red, only because of the frequency of red light. We hear an "A" note as it is, because of its frequency, which is 440 Hz (Hz - short for Hertz). Just as every thing has a frequency, everything therefore must have a resonant frequency. <#Keyword>

When two different frequencies are combined, a third or modulated frequencyis created. When using a tuning fork to tune a piano, one will sometimes hear the modulating frequency until the piano note is in precise resonance with the tuning fork. If the opera singer from the example above directs the sound to a variety of wine glasses, only one type of wine glass will shatter and the others will remain steadfast. This is because all things have a unique resonant frequency of their own. This is a simple law of the universe that applies to all things living or not.

Why does the wine glass shatter? If an object is resonated or in a few cases modulated with a separate frequency around the resonant frequency of the object, it causes a reconstruction or separation of atoms or electrons. When this occurs, the object could no longer hold its form or state. Electrons could orbit the nucleus in separate distances from the nucleus. This is referred to as a valence band. There may be several valence bands in a single atom and there will be any given number of electrons in each valence band. There are an equal number of protons and electrons in a single atom. The construction of how quite a few electrons and their configuration in these valence bands determine what the material is. The simplest of all atoms belongs to Hydrogen, which consists only of one electron and one proton. Every molecule, cell and object in the universe is made up of atoms. There are several ways to manipulate the structure of these atoms.

A cancerous cell residing in a human has a different resonant frequency than that of the surrounding cells. The same applies to bacteria and viruses. A Rife Machine is used to resonate and destroy the invading cells leaving the surrounding good cells unharmed. This is what Rife Technology is based on.

By gently stimulating the thyroid gland with the correct frequencies, you can safely increase your metabolism and lose weight fast. Clearly, this is as easy to understand as an opera singer shattering a wine glass through resonance. There are a large number of proven uses of this effect, such as stopping pain and curing disease.

It's important to note: As computers become more powerful, so does the power of DSP (Digital Signal Processing). In the past, people have tried to use simple signal generating software to achieve results. The results were poor at best. In the new age of advanced computers and electronics the new Rife Technology Software uses advanced DSP and to easily achieve the same results as Rife and his team did with more primitive equipment.

The Rife Machine For Detoxification

The way our bodies naturally get rid of toxins is by sweating and urinating. Athletes who have few unhealthy habits and are out there running ever day and drinking lots of purified water will be doing a decent job of keeping their toxin levels down naturally. The rest of us need to do something about it before our immune system becomes so bogged down by them that it allows our body to break down at a large number of weak link - possibly contracting a nasty disease of some type.

The rage in home health care these days is all about detoxifying. And for good reason! We all are accumulating toxins every day just by existing on our planet in it's current state. We acquire them from the food we eat, the air we breathe, even the water we drink. Throw in an unhealthy habit like smoking or cocktails at five and your poor body is being absolutely bombarded by troublesome toxins.

If you do not remove all the toxins you accumulate today, they stick around and tomorrow's toxins just build on top of them. It doesn't take very long before you are accumulating them at an alarming rate. This could result in very serious health problems. That's why you are starting to see so several detoxification products being sold on late night television commercials.

Perhaps the best way to detoxify is by using a Rife Frequency Machine. These devices are based on Dr. Royal Raymond Rife's work in the 1930's. He showed that specific radio frequencies may safely destroy invasive microbes and unwanted growth cells without adversely affecting the body's tissue or cell structure, and without harming the good bacteria in our system. This is because every molecule actually resonates at a specific frequency, and by isolating the frequencies of toxins and bad bacteria only they are affected by those radio waves. It's why an opera singer will break a wine glass without hurting anybody or anything else around it. Dr. Rife eventually isolated 52 frequencies that can be used to destroy certain unwanted cells, including tuberculosis and cancer.

Today's Rife Machines have expanded on Dr. Rife's original work and may offer up to 250 healing frequencies. By using combinations of these frequencies a large number of specific ailments will be effectively targeted. Perhaps the best use of the machine is simply a general detoxification setting, applied several times per week. The user simply holds steel cylinders (or attaches electrode pads) and runs the detox setting for a few minutes, followed by drinking a healthy dosage of pure water. Toxins are flushed out and the immune system stays strong. It's a very effective way of removing toxins, and a heck of a lot more convenient than a number of of the wacky stuff you see being peddled on those late night commercials!

The other use for Rife Frequency Generator machines is to target the bad cells in your body which are responsible for certain health complaints. Rife frequencies have been reported to be very effective in treating arthritis, diabetes, infections, joint pain, nerve disorders, and even the common cold. Keep in mind that the FDA does not recognize this technology as an accepted treatment method, so it falls under the category of alternative healthcare. <#Keyword>

For more information about detoxifying and colon cleansing [http://www.TheCompleteCleanse.com] please visit [http://www.TheCompleteCleanse.com]

Paying Attention to Cancer Symptoms - Stuart Ben

Cancer, in its a large number of different forms and types is a disease most of us fear. The different types of treatments are not easy to go through, physically and mentally and their success rates aren't always high. Among factors that will sometimes affect the treatment's odds and chances to beat the disease, is the extremely important factor of early detection.

No matter what cancer type it is, early detection always increases the odds to beat the disease and clear one's body from the cancerous cells or remove the tumor. Early detection is sometimes critical while it often leads to the treatments beginning in the early stages of the cancer, when the chances that the cancer has spread are still low and that the tumor hasn't had a lot of time to grow. If the cancer hasn't spread, treatment will be targeted in a better way with any kind of treatment available (surgery, chemotherapy or radiation to name a few) and thus raise the chances to expel the cancer from the body.

To detect a cancer tumor in or on our body in its early stages, we must be alert to possible cancer symptoms and basically be attentive to our body. We mustn't ignore abnormalities in our body and dismiss them as "nothing", as me must look into what's wrong and make sure it is "nothing".

There are several different cancer symptoms, as there are several different types of cancer. But there are a few symptoms that are universal and most cancers share.

One major symptom is of course an abnormal growth or lump that appears anywhere on your body. If the specific part of the body is not supposed to suddenly grow, this will indicate there is a problem. Woman may feel lumps in their breasts that can indicate there is breast cancer; thyroid cancer manifests as a lump under the skin which you will see and feel in the neck area, lymphoma will make your lymph nodes larger than they normally are. In Melanoma, the cancer will appear on your skin as a lump, a brown spot or a mole suddenly changing.

Another very frequent cancer symptom is abnormal bleeding. Different types of cancer manifests in unexpected bleeding. Bladder, kidney and prostate cancer can cause blood to appear in the urine, colorectal cancer causes blood to appear in the stool and endometrial and cervical cancer can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding, both during menstrual periods and between them. Lung cancer can cause one to cough up blood or for blood to appear in the sputum and leukemia can cause excessively bleeding. Once one is experiencing unusual bleeding, they should have it checked out.

Different types of cancer also cause the universal symptoms of sudden weight loss or weakness and fatigue. Cancer can cause an unplanned drop in your weight for no apparent reason, as it could be accompanied by a loss of appetite, although not necessarily. Most cancers also can cause unexplained weakness and tiredness and one will not understand why.

In addition to general cancer symptoms as mentioned, there is always the subjective symptom of sudden unexplained pain in a certain area of the body. One will experience pain in the pelvis area from prostate, cervical and endometrial cancer. Bladder cancer may cause pain during urination, colorectal will cause pain in the stomach as will pancreatic cancer, lung cancer may cause chest pain, thyroid Cancer can cause pain in the neck and throat and your leukemia can cause bone and joint pain.

It is important to understand that any of these cancer symptoms mentioned above do not mean that anyone experiencing them necessarily has cancer. These are also symptoms that can be caused by different and other conditions then a cancerous tumor. However, if one of these does appear, it is important not to neglect it and have a physician examine the problem.

For more information and readings about different types of cancer: Cancer Treatments Abroad. For information about different medical treatments, you could visit as us at TicketMed : Medical Tourism.

I am an experienced medical tourism facilitator who is dedicated to spread medical knowledge for the benefit of global patients.