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10 Effective Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a non-contagious condition, which affects the joints and also the skin of a person. The skin becomes inflamed, scaly and also red in case of this condition. It could affect any part of the body and also it is characteristic of this disease to occur repeatedly, which makes it very difficult to eliminate it. Though a eliminate for psoriasis is difficult to find, certain home remedies for psoriasis have been found to be effective. These home remedies do not have any side effects.

Doctors and also scientists are still not sure of the cause behind psoriasis but genes will sometimes be an important factor responsible for psoriasis. Besides, genetic reasons one will sometimes suffer from psoriasis because of other factors like allergies, metabolic irregularity of amino acids and also proteins, infections and also a large number of other reasons.

The ten following home remedies for psoriasis will sometimes assist one attain rid of this condition or relieve symptoms:

Applying products with Dead Sea salt will sometimes also aid an area recover from psoriasis. A seawater bath is also good for treating psoriasis. If you suffer from psoriasis of the scalp you can apply a hair mask of honey, olive oil and avocado to your wet hair. It will aid keep your irritation and flakes within reasonable limit. Mudpacks have also been found to be effective for psoriasis. Mudpack will sometimes absorb toxins from the affected area as well as remove it. People suffering from psoriasis should take proper care of their hygiene. The affected areas should be washed, cleaned and dried properly and cashew nut oil should be applied to that area. Proper cleaning and drying of psoriasis-affected areas is required before application of any home remedies for psoriasis A very good home remedy for psoriasis is a combination of one-teaspoon wheat germ oil, one teaspoon of castor oil and a cup of sunflower oil. This combination should be applied on the affected area. Two drops of calendula oil mixed with a single drop of oregano oil along with a cup of olive oil is an effective remedy for psoriasis. For scalp psoriasis marigold lotion may be very effective. Four marigold heads boiled in four cups of water for two minutes may be used to treat a psoriasis-affected scalp. The scalp should be massaged with the prepared marigold potion and also then it should be washed off with a mild shampoo. Aloe Vera oil used in combination with garlic oil has been found to be very effective. Aloe Vera is often used in many home remedies for psoriasis. Psoriasis is usually accompanied by an extremely irritable itch. This itch can be controlled through the application of mixture of water along with tar solution. This mixture should be used two times a day for a period of one month to be effective. Cabbages have also been found to be effective a home remedy for psoriasis. After removing the thick veins of a cabbage, the cabbage leaves as compress on the affected area.

Home remedies for psoriasis usually do not have any side effects but it would be best to consult a doctor before opting for one. in the form of lotions along with potions are not enough, they should be supplemented by proper diet along with maintenance of good hygiene. Consumption of bitter gourd juice everyday on an empty stomach for a few months have been found to be a good diet for people suffering for psoriasis.

Do you suffer from Psoriasis or maybe you know someone who does, live a psoriasis free life where you don't have to worry about the way you look or feel.

Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis symptoms vary based upon the type of psoriasis one is suffering from. Let's take a look at the main types of psoriasis and the psoriasis symptoms associated with each.


Psoriasis Vulgaris: This is the most ubiquitous type of this disease. Up to 90% of sufferers have this form of the condition. Also known as plaque psoriasis, psoriasis symptoms for this condition may range from localized plaques to plaques covering much of the body.

The plaques appear as inflammations on the skin, raised slightly and also covered with silver, scaly skin.

Another form of the non-pustular type of this disease is psoriatic erythroderma. Symptoms for this form of the condition include ubiquitous inflammation as well as sloughing of the skin across much of the body's surface. Often, intense itching, pain as well as swelling occur.

Psoriatic erythroderma often occurs as a result of aggravated psoriasis symptoms in a plaque psoriasis sufferer. This is most often the case when strong systemic medication is suddenly stopped. The result will sometimes even result in death because the severe inflammatory response along with sloughing interfere with the body's autoregulation of temperature along with barrier functions.


Pustular forms of this condition are characterized by elevated bumps on the skin called pustules that are filled with pus. This fluid is not infectious. The presence of the pustule causes the skin underneath to become inflamed.

Pustular psoriasis symptoms will sometimes be seen in localized patches or in tracts throughout much of the body.


Symptoms will sometimes also occur for a number of other reasons.

Examples include drug induced psoriasis, inverse, (symptoms here are localized to skin folds such as those adjacent to the breast, genitals, etc.), guttate, (symptoms here look differently from typical plaque psoriasis as well as are characteristically small, pink-colored pustules that will sometimes cover much of the body), nail psoriasis (symptoms here manifest in discoloration of the nail, pitting of the nail as well as deterioration of the nail) as well as psoriatic arthritis (symptoms of this condition are inflammation of joints as well as connective tissues. Up to 15% of psoriasis sufferers develop psoriatic arthritis.)

Scalp psoriasis is also common amongst psoriasis sufferers. This condition will sometimes be particularly painful to the customer's self esteem as it looks much like dandruff as well as makes wearing dark clothing very difficult. Scalp symptoms affect up to ½ of psoriasis patients. However, a number of various shampoos, oils as well as lotions exist to benefit treat this condition.

The degree of impact on a person's quality of life has largely to do with the severity as well as scope of one's psoriasis symptoms.

Natural Cures for Psoriasis - Quick Psoriasis Relief

Taking medications to control psoriasis can become very expensive as well as come with a variety of unwanted side effects. Although psoriasis is a chronic condition, it can be controlled through diet as well as lifestyle. Instead of resorting to harmful drugs as well as treatments, look in the direction of the myriad of natural psoriasis remedies that you can try at home. Here are some natural cure s for psoriasis that have worked for other sufferers.

Natural Psoriasis Remedy #1 - Keep Skin Moist with Petroleum Jelly

Moisturizing the skin is the best way to deal with the existing psoriasis symptoms of scaling along with itching. Petroleum jelly will provide suitable moisture for your dry skin along with in the long run reduce the amount of scaling along with peeling. Take a bath before bedtime along with pat skin dry. Rub generous amounts of petroleum jelly toward your lesions along with cover with a bandage. This will assist the jelly penetrate the skin as you sleep; gently wash the area when you wake up to exfoliate the dead skin.

Natural Psoriasis Remedy #2 - Keep Skin Healthy with Essential Oils

Essential oils like lavender or rosemary have natural anti-inflammatory and also antiseptic qualities. Just two to three drops in your bath water can benefit speed up the skin's natural healing process and also reduce itching. It is important to note that using essential oils in great amounts can harm delicate or sensitive skin; it is also important to make sure you are not allergic to certain oils or you can risk a psoriasis flare up.

Natural Psoriasis Remedy #3 - Keep Psoriasis Symptoms at Bay with Salt Baths

Sodium salt baths or magnesium sulphate salt baths both provide quick psoriasis relief. The magnesium along with sulphur are beneficial in the treatment of various skin disorders along with adding this to your bath water will reduce scaling along with itching. You can take salt baths once a day, preferably before moisturizing your skin.

Natural Psoriasis Remedy #4 - Get Moderate Sunshine

Psoriasis-affected skin needs sunlight along with research has revealed that the ultraviolet rays of the sun will sometimes be an ideal natural cure for psoriasis. Do not put sunscreen on your lesions as that will block the UV rays from penetrating toward the skin. Expose your skin to sunlight in moderation; just 10 to 15 minutes should be enough. You will sometimes need to ask your caregiver about the safety of sun exposure if you are also applying topical medications for psoriasis.

Natural Psoriasis Remedy #5 - Drink More Fluids

Drinking more than 8 to 10 glasses of fluids will sometimes moisturize skin from the inside. Fluids include plain water, juices, teas as well as soups. Liquid will sometimes assist hydrate skin as well as flush toxins as well as harmful microorganisms from the body, which will aid psoriasis healing from the inside.

Natural Psoriasis Remedy #6 - Manage Stress as well as Anxiety

Research shows that stress and anxiety will sometimes aggravate psoriasis and other skin conditions. Working to manage stress is the best way to reduce psoriasis symptoms and to help augment different psoriasis remedy s. Having psoriasis will sometimes be stressful and very frustrating especially when you are looking for a way to escape the vicious cycle of flare ups. Getting help for anxiety is one of the most important but greatly overlooked aspects of the treatment of this skin condition.

These are just a few of the ideas that can provide quick psoriasis relief. Beat the unwanted dangers of conventional psoriasis treatments by trying more natural psoriasis treatments.

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic (recurring) disease of the immune system that affects the skin. This non-contagious condition occurs when the body's immune system "over-reacts" as well as causes skin cells to grow at an abnormally fast rate. Since the production of skin cells is a cyclical process that involves skin cell death, this causes a unique physical condition characterized by unsightly scaly patches of skin (see psoriasis pictures) that range in color from red to white to silver.

So what is psoriasis in its most common form?

The most typical type of psoriasis is called plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris being the most common type and accounting for up to 90% of all psoriasis cases) and manifests in silvery skin patches. This is the form that usually comes to mind when somebody asks, "What is psoriasis?"

What is psoriasis main locations on the body?

Psoriasis is most readily found on the outside of joints such as elbow and knee areas. However, any area of the body will sometimes be affected including the scalp area, palms and even the genitals. It should be noted, however, that a few individuals with psoriasis do not experience the skin problems associated with this disease.

What is psoriasis degree of strength? Everybody is different. Some individuals suffer only from isolated patches while others are almost completely covered by them. Psoriasis treatment will also determine the degree to which psoriasis affects one's quality of life.

Psoriasis often presents accompanying problems to areas such as the fingernails and also toenails, which may result in anything from mild discoloration to nail separation, depending on the degree of severity.

What is psoriasis arthritis? Psoriatic arthritis occurs in up to 40% of psoriasis sufferers. As in primary arthritis, the result is joint pain and inflammation which can be limited to a few joints (typically near the ends of toes and fingers) or generalized to other, larger joints.

What is psoriasis cause? The exact cause of psoriasis is not well known, although genetic factors seem to play a role. Furthermore, various environmental factors may play a role. Things like stress and also acute injury to the skin may be implicated in the initial development and also exacerbation of psoriasis.

What is psoriasis treatment all about? Since psoriasis is a chronic illness as well as thus recurs in the patient, treatment is usually aimed at:

Reducing severity of symptoms Bolstering general health along with combating inflammatory processes

The type of treatment used depends on the type along with severity of the condition.