New Cure For Lyme Disease Info

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6 Important Lyme Disease Facts

In order to educate yourself about Lyme disease, it is essential to learn its definition, symptoms, complications, diagnosis, and treatment of this disease, as well as its preventive measures.

Although it is not an epidemic, Lyme disease is worth researching about in order to learn its nature, treatments, and prevention.

Definition and cause of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease got its name after its discovery in Lyme, Connecticut in 1975. The Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria are the culprit behind this inflammatory disease. Humans contact Lyme disease when they acquire bitten by an infected tick. One common type of tick that will sometimes spread Lyme disease is the deer tick. Humans attain infected by Lyme disease typically in late spring or the onset of summer.

Symptoms of Lyme disease

An infected tick's bite usually causes a circular skin rash called erythema migrans, also known as "bull's eye" rash, on the infected person after a few days or weeks from the time of the bite. The rash can grow bigger in diameter after a few more days. Other than the rash, you can also feel other Lyme symptoms that mimic a flu and include fever, chills, headaches, joint pains, and muscle pains. Rashes do not always accompany the flu-like symptoms; in a number of cases, only the latter is present.

In as early as a month, Lyme disease symptoms will sometimes become worse if they remain undiagnosed and untreated. You will experience more and worse headaches, pain and numbness in the arms and legs, and even fainting and palpitations. You may experience problems with your memory and have difficulty in concentrating and remembering. These symptoms will acquire worse over time if not treated immediately or when medication is not effective.

Diagnosing Lyme disease

As soon as symptoms of Lyme disease start to show up, consult your health practitioner for proper diagnosis. The presence of the tell-tale rash and your personal history of having been bitten by a tick are two very important indicators that your physician uses to determine whether you have Lyme disease. Laboratory tests are also conducted, such as the ELISA blood test and western blot to diagnose Lyme disease.

Treatment of Lyme disease

When detected earlier, Lyme disease will sometimes be treated effectively with oral antibiotics, such as cefuroxime, amoxicillin doxycycline, tetracycline, phenoxymethyl, or penicillin. Other oral antibiotics can be also administered together with erythromycin and azithromycin. Antibiotics are given intravenously to those who suffer from cardiac or neurological problems during the onset or late stages of Lyme disease.

Complications that will arise from Lyme illness

If not diagnosed right away or given proper medical treatment and care, Lyme disease can become more serious with long-term complications. Severe fatigue, facial nerve paralysis or Bell's palsy, meningitis, heart enlargement, heart inflammation, or even chronic arthritis may be alarming signs that your heart, nerves or brain is affected by the disease.

Lyme disease prevention

Prevention is always the best option when handling infection rather than curing it after being acquired. Lyme disease will be prevented by covering your skin fully with appropriate clothing especially when walking through areas that ticks are likely to be present such as grassy and wooded locations. Wear a cap, long-sleeved shirt, long pants, socks, and shoes that cover your feet well. If you go out for camping or hiking, make sure you check your body routinely to find the presence of any ticks. Once you are back inside, take a bath and gain rid of any ticks that may have gotten stuck on your body.

Lyme disease is not that common, so you need not cancel your outdoor activities. The fear of Lyme must not hinder you from enjoying your outdoor hobbies and interests. In order to avoid long term problems associated with Lyme disease, you should be knowledgeable with the illness including its symptoms and what ways to prevent it.

Acute Or Chronic Lyme Disease Symptoms

Lyme disease can take place in acute or continual manner. The serious manner may be undoubtedly simply dealing with whilst there are also occasions that present sharp indications. Never-ending Lyme disease symptoms are enormously serious and will be lastingly weakening.

It continues to be enormously contentious in type while there is no fixed eliminate and numerous added tricky situations can consequence as of the progress.

To summarize, brutal Lyme disease symptoms could resolve unexpectedly anywhere from a only some days to numerous weeks at the same time as Never-ending Lyme disease symptoms will little by little engraft into the internal surroundings of the affected one. Acute Lyme disease symptoms can be treated simply and successfully with a single or combination of antibiotics similar to penicillin, doxycycline and amoxicillin.

Lyme disease symptoms often start by means of flu-like feelings.

The Lyme disease symptoms are headache, fever, muscle pains, weakness, and stiff neck. After the tick?s bite, about a few days or one month after it, approximately 60% of Light-skinned patients experience an erythema migrans (EM) ? an enlarging inflammation. Dark skinned people experience bumps.

The flu-like symptoms, which are actually Lyme disease symptoms, will sometimes last as long as the treatment treatment, whereas there will also be minor emotional and mental signs like temper swings, sleep problems and focused difficulties. Painkillers can be taken for muscle and joint pain as well as drugs that lessen the fever. Treatment lasts from one to two months.

Early indications should be treated straightaway delay. The primary classic indication is a bull's- eye rash accompanies by flu-like symptoms for instance fever, body weakness, joint, muscle pain and chills. Unusual symptoms in acute Lyme disease symptoms include palpitations, heart block and neurologic symptoms like changed mental condition and neuroborreliosis, the central nervous system disorder. There is a potential for Lyme disease symptoms to go all the way through a out of sight stage in its evolution from severe to Never-ending disease. Severe symptoms might disappear for weeks, months or even years prior to returning in additional harsh ways.

Incomplete Lyme disease symptoms:

Doctors have a tendency to misidentify early Lyme disease symptoms for flu, and afterward, they experience a few non specific symptoms along with a variety of difficulties with different body organs.

This is just a unfinished record of Lyme disease symptoms, because there are more than three hundred indications in the medical lexicon involving Lyme disease symptoms infection.

Non-specific Lyme disease symptoms: Sore throat, night sweats, severe fatigue, and inflamed glands

Digestion: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain (especially in kids), and diarrheas are many of the main digestive problems of Lyme disease symptoms.

Heart: some of the main Lyme disease symptoms: Vasculitis - inflammation of the wall of blood vessels including veins, arteries and capillaries Carditis, Pancarditis - the inflammation of the heart or its surroundings Myocarditis - inflammation of the myocardium, the muscular part of the heart.

Muscles: Joint inflammation and pain are the most common of Lyme disease symptoms: Arthritis that transfers from joint to joint cause damage to the joints of the body As a result: Loss of muscle tone, muscle ache. Bell's palsy - paralysis of the facial nerve resulting in inability to control facial muscles on the affected side,

Nervous System: Meningoencephalitis - both meningitis (an inflammation of the meninges- the system of cells membranes which envelops the central nervous system), and encephalitis, which is an illness or inflammation of the brain Neurosyphilis - an infection of the brain or spinal cord, Encephalitis - an acute inflammation of the brain, spinal nerve root pain, tremors and shakes. Results: Arrears impulses, unequal blood flow in brain, confusions, mood swings and speech difficulties ? those are the major nervous system difficulties indicating severe Lyme disease symptoms and condition, remembrance failure, sleep problems, dementia, panic attacks, obsessive disorder.

Skin: People who catch Lyme disease regularly attain a rash. Usually it shape s a bull's-eye pattern of red and white rings around the tick bite. Later on the might develop Lyme disease symptoms as Paresthesia - A skin sensation, such as burning, prickling, itching, or tingling, with no apparent physical cause. Sensory lack of feeling; Tingling and numbness.

Reproductive System: People who are sick with Lyme disease might have Urine control problems. The might have problem to bring to an end the flow of urine from the bladder. Other sign of Lyme disease symptoms are: Bowel incontinence - the loss of bowel control, resulting in involuntary passage of stool. Men likely to have testicular pain ? feeling pain in the testicles. Sexual dysfunction. Women might have troubles throughout pregnancy - miscarriage, and delayed baby development.

Several of the Lyme disease symptoms are symptomatic of illnesses as the following:

Multiple Sclerosis - Disease that affects the central nervous system. Parkinson's disease - Central nervous system disorder that damages the motor skills and speech, in addition to other tasks. Alzheimer- a progressive and fatal brain disease, the most common form of dementia. Alzheimer's damages the brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior.

The above-mentioned report is not a diagnostic tool, though the aim is to offer a foundation for you to have a discussion with your doctor on the topic of the countless Lyme disease symptoms.

Chronic Lyme disease symptoms 30-50% of acute Lyme disease patients go on to extend chronic Lyme disease symptoms. Moreover, a number of earlier present however without symptoms patients will sometimes start reactivate their infection following a variety of tensions such as trauma, surgery, pregnancy, coexisting illness, antibiotics treatment, or harsh emotional stress.

Never-ending Lyme disease symptoms are enormously dangerous since the symptoms are much more brutal and furthermore; there is no fixed eliminate for it. It cannot be efficiently treated with antibiotics thus there are precise and individualized approaches in caring for patients in the Chronic state. The effects are requiring a long-lasting antibiotic use plus other therapies.

There is more controversy revolving around the medicinal treatment approach. The interaction of numerous pills and the Chronic intake of antibiotics can prove to be overwhelming for the liver, kidneys and blood circulation as well.

Chronic antibiotic intake can cause to the patient being immune- compromised.

Steroid therapy may well be prescripted. Since the effects and counter-effects of a variety of treatments that are not yet established, a fixed treatment cannot be totally certain exclusively throughout medicine. Immune reactions because of bacterial invasion are compromised at times making the person susceptible to acquiring other diseases.

Additional research is required for chronic Lyme disease symptoms since its pathogenesis, the system by which Lyme disease is caused, is not completely identified. Additionally, numerous signs indicative to those of other diseases making it complicated for doctors to diagnose correctly. The person will have acquired a new illness however still show the same of late stage of Lyme disease symptoms. At this time, Doctors and medical researchers are looking toward new remedy options to purposely individualize places for health care for Lyme disease patients.

Helping Chronic Lyme disease Patients: Except of from medical treatment, chronic Lyme disease patients can be benefited supportive measures. Establishing dealing with methods to facilitate in particular supply to their requests or the individuality existing by the disease, Lyme disease symptoms are most important. Lyme disease symptoms, the chronic ones, endure for numerous years. Every indication may have a corresponding coping plan.

Lyme Disease Symptoms Info Center - aidful information about causes and risks of Lyme disease, You will acquire knowledge of prevention, note the symptoms and know which questions to ask your physician. Check it out: lyme-disease-symptoms.com

Lyme Disease Symptoms

Lyme Symptoms may be hard to spot; not only because a large number of times symptoms vary greatly, although also because the incubation period of the disease will range from a few days to a few years. Any one of the symptoms of Lyme disease doesn't point to it being the culprit - but, if you have experienced something similar, you may want to consider consulting your caregiver.

Early Symptoms-Signs of Lyme Disease


A rash is usually the main way to spot Lyme disease - because it's seen up to 80% of the time in patents, it's a common way to spot it. A rash caused by Lyme disease usually resembles a reddish 'Bull's eye', and it isn't seen in any other disease known right now - the rash is completely unique, and if identified by a physician, warrants an immediate diagnosis and treatment. The rash isn't seen because of an allergic reaction - instead, it's an actual skin infection caused by Lyme disease itself.

There are also reports of:

Fever Headaches Sore Throat Fatigue Some of the more serious symptoms occur in only a small portion of Lyme disease suffers; for example, 10% of those who have Lyme disease show heart block, and palpitations. Neurological symptoms occur in 18% of suffers as well.

Late Symptoms

Later Lyme Symptoms include:

Radiculitis Rash Cardiac Arrhythmias Tachycardia Adrenal Disorders Urinary Disorders Immune Disorders Lyme disease can effect the body in large ways - it doesn't stop at joint painsand rashes. Some of the neurological effects include,

Muscle Twitching Seizures Ataxia - Unsteadiness of the limbs and torso Vision Problems Bell's Palsy Polyneuropathy - When the peripheral nerves malfunction simultaneously Severe Sensitivity to Sound and Vibrations Vestibular Symptoms Encephalitis - The acute inflammation of the brain And that's not all - late stage Lyme disease can affect your brain in ways youprobably would never guess, including...

Panic Attacks Anxiety Short-Term Memory Loss Sleep Disturbance Depersonalization Hallucination

Rarely, it could cause psychosis - this isn't typical, though, and happens in a very small percent of cases.When Lyme disease is discovered early enough, it may be treated with the right antibiotics, and suffers will go on with their life as if nothing ever happened. However, if the disease is left to its own accord, it may be extremely difficult to eliminate ; the sooner that Lyme disease is caught, the better your health will be in the future.

See my website for more Lyme Disease Information http://www.lymediseaseanswers.com/lyme-disease-symptoms/

Lyme Disease Information

Paul Howard

Borellia burgdorferi also know as lyme disease is an infection. The bacteria is called a spirochete that is carried mostly by deer ticks. A tick that has the lyme bacteria will infect humans and animals it bites. If lyme disease goes untreated it can spread very quickly through out the body. This may cause a number of problems and can be very serious.

Lyme disease manifests itself as a multi system inflammatory disease that affects the skin in its early, localized stage, and spreads to the joints, nervous system and, to a smaller extent, other organ systems in its later stages. If Lyme Disease is treated right after a tick bite with the proper antibiotics Lyme Disease will be remedy d. This must be done as right after the tick bite.

If Lyme Disease goes untreated for a few months after a tick bite the probability of curing it become much less likely. This is why it's essential to gain treatment directly after a tick bite. In unusual instances, LD leads to permanent damage.

Even though Lyme Disease is the most widespread tick born disease in the U.S.A. Do to the poor testing results it will be very difficult to get treatment from a regular physician.

Lyme disease is not just in the New England area anymore.. Lyme Disease is basically all over the country now.. This is slowly becoming an epidemic!

Borrelia burgdorferi the LD spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, infects other varieties of ticks though is well-known to be transmitted to people and other animals only by the deer tick and the related Western black-legged tick. Studies have revealed that an infected tick usually will not begin transmitting the spirochete until it has been attached to its host about 36-48 hours; the best line of defense against LD, therefore, is to examine yourself at least once daily and remove any ticks before they become engorged (swollen) with blood.

If you find a tick on your body that is not embedded your chances of getting lyme disease are very unlikely. Nonetheless, it is advisable to be alert in case any conditions do appear; a red rash (especially surrounding the tick bite), flu-like problems, or joint pains in the first month following any deer tick bite may signify the onset of Lyme disease.

Manifestations of what we now call Lyme disease were first reported in medical literature in Europe in 1883. Lyme is now be called the "Great Imitator" as it can imitate so several different diseases. Doctors are certainly scratching there head with this disease.. This Disease is very challenging. But with the right attitude and proper treatment you can win the war.

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